Monday, April 16, 2007

Tagged by the fabulous Suzi Finer!

Nothing like having the dazzling light of Suzi Finer shine on me to get me off my but and actually add something to my blog! Being tagged means posting 5 blogs that inspire me on a daily basis (preferably blogs that haven't already been tagged by others.)
I must confess that the only blog that I read every day is Suzi's! However, there are other blogs which I do read on a regular basis, and here are 5 that I love:

Blissful Elements: I recently discovered this blog via a comment posted on my own. I just love all of the great vintage visual elements and the artistic and creative layouts.

Julia Sweeney: I love Julia Sweeney! I saw her show "Letting Go of God" last year, and was completely blown away. She's so smart, funny, and incredibly insightful. She always makes me think and analyze my beliefs and ways of looking at the world.

Curbed L.A.: This blog is all about Los Angeles and it's neighborhoods. I love reading about the various developments that are going on all around the city, and fantasizing about houses and lofts that I'll never be able to afford. Sigh.

Anna Corba: OK, this is a website, not a blog. But Anna Corba is an artist who I find endlessly inspiring! Her book "Vintage Paper Crafts" is my all-time favorite art book ever!

Suzi Finer: I know, I know, it's cheating to list Suzi (since she's the one who tagged me!), but hers is truly the only blog I read every single day! I love her creativity, and how she sees beauty in everyday things. I love that she takes her camera with her everwhere and documents her life, and then posts it on her blog for all the world to see. She inspires me every single day.

Handmade Valentines from It's in the Cards

Handmade greeting cards from It's in the Cards